Sleeping Giant Writers Festival
This is where I'm going to be this weekend! •Miriam Toews - Advanced Fiction: What is a Novel? •Jeanette Lynes - Historical Fiction, Energize your Poems •Richard Scrimger - Writing for Children: lies, laughter and standing on chairs •David Carpenter - Personal Essay, Short Story •Douglas Gibson - Learn About Publishing •Terry Fallis - Shameless Self-Promotion Plus readings!! That are free and open to the public!! And the Northern Woman's Bookstore will have a table, from which you can buy nifty stuff! And socializing, which I know is kind of saying "and torture" to many writers, but hey, you might meet someone who'd be a critique buddy. Or at least meet you for coffee. Sleeping Giant Writers Festival : the largest literary festival in northern Ontario. With award-winning Canadian writers, interactive sessions, and tons of learning at your fingertips. Don't miss it.