How Much?
Do you believe in your writing? (No, this is not "believe in" like the Easter Bunny. This is "believe in" as in "believe in the value of.") No, really. Do you believe in your writing? How much, in actual dollars, do you believe? If it's hard to quantify, think about some other concrete item--say, grande mochas. Would you be willing to forego 2 grande mochas, or pay $10, to enter your story (poem, script) into a contest? Then go here, to the contest sponsored by the Northwestern Ontario Writers Workshop, and do so. Disclosure: I'm on the Executive for NOWW. I am not involved in administering the contest, and I'm not entering it. As we used to say in the South, back when we wuz rockin' on the porch 'n' spittin' watermelon seeds, I don't have a dog in this fight. (Okay, we never said that, and nobody I knew in real life ever said that, but Southerners in movies do.) (However, I have been known to sit on porches, to sit in roc...