The Writer's Fantasy
Hey, writer: what's your fantasy? Spielberg calls and wants to adapt your story for his next blockbuster, which is guaranteed to win both critical acclaim and bonanza bucks. A publisher calls: she wants the story you're struggling with AND has developed technology that can lift it directly from your brain onto the page so that the story is in the perfect form you imagine it to be, not the slightly altered form that you're capable of actually writing IF you were actually capable of writing it and not stuck, yet this form of ESP is enough work on your part that you will also get to bask in the glow of work that's hard but not too hard. Whew. Neurotic much? OK, so what I experienced this week isn't perhaps a writer's ULTIMATE fantasy, but it's close. The rejection was wrong. It was all a mistake! They want it after all!! Actually, the mistake was probably mine. In the past 18 months, I had submitted (according to my spreadsheet) three pieces to this journal. In...