Five Things to Remember from March

As always (by which I mean for the past few months), I'm tracking five things I want to remember from each month. And if you get to the bottom, you'll find links to places I've been interviewed or appeared, and/or where my work was discussed, along with books I've posted about on Instagram!

OBVIOUSLY not a recent photo,
but I do believe the lake ice will melt.

ONE. An update on putting time limits on social media, which I know I've written about somewhere. I’ve noticed as I pick up my phone to scroll, which I still do, I ask myself why. Or sometimes I mutter, “now I’m just irritating myself,” and THEN I ask myself why. And often I put down the phone, which was my goal. Yes, I’m finding time and inclination to do more things, but doing isn’t the point. Limiting social media isn’t a productivity hack—it’s an attempt to improve my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. And it’s helping, I think.

TWO. Addendum to the above: having something to do with my hands helps. I have a sketchbook and pen at the ready and this week I got out a crochet hook and some leftover yarn and started a scarf.

THREE. Boy, nothing makes you appreciate your back more than hurting it. And nothing makes you feel older than hurting your back by … sitting for an hour with bad posture. Also, nothing makes you feel like you need a better story about hurting your back than typing out the truth.

FOUR. You’d think March would be my favourite month because the weather likes to vacillate between “definitely winter” and “spring is really coming.” In other words, like me, March dithers. So although I understand the back-and-forth nature of transitions, dithering is not one of my own favourite qualities. And yet, I do it still. As does March, alllll 31 days of it.

FIVE. Every year at this time I make resolutions to work on tax paperwork every day and keep up better with receipts and and and. Maybe 2025 will be that year. That’s how it feels now!


Brockton Writers Series Blog and YouTube Channel (where a video of my reading, and those of the others and our group Q&A, will be available for a short time).

Women Writing, with Liisa Kovala on YouTube (also available as a podcast wherever you listen to them)--lots of great interviews here!

A most generous and gratifying review from Shawn Mooney at Shawn Breathes Books on YouTube. I'm so grateful when readers and reviewers get where I'm coming from--and Shawn works from that perspective in his other reviews, too. Thank you, Shawn! 

Books about which I posted on Instagram in March:

  • We Are Already Ghosts, Kit Dobson
  • Life Cycle of the Common Octopus, Emma Knight

Thanks for making it this far down the page! Please remember, as I do, that spring is coming.